What motivated you to participate in the Contest for the best Human Resources providers?
It is a good way of listening to our customers and, to a certain extent, our market. Being the best training and coaching company in Portugal, according to customers' assessment, is also a good business card abroad where we are not known.
What aspects do you favor in your activity, in order to provide an ever better service to customers?
We mainly value the fact that customers are able to achieve the results they want, guaranteeing ethics and good relations with all stakeholders. We also value changes that are sustainable over time and that the Programs have something innovative.
Can you somehow describe a typical customer of yours?
They are usually multinationals or large companies in Portugal and Brazil. What they want is to improve the organizational climate, increasing motivation and commitment, retaining talent and improving employee skills in order to get the results they want. They are almost always companies that are already very successful and that know that investing in people in the right way has a very high Return On Investment. We work with all levels of the organization, from the CEO to the operational ones, as each one has to do their part to achieve results and everyone's satisfaction.
Can you give an example of a customer?
We have been working for 2 years with a multinational that has many stores in Portugal and has asked us to train around 1300 employees. We were given the challenge of improving the service level from “Very good” to “Excellent” and improving the leadership level of managers. For some organizations being very good is not enough, they have to be the best! As the level of knowledge of what they had to do was already very high, we focused on making customer service and management work more interesting. We have shifted our focus from fulfilling processes correctly to understanding and improving people's satisfaction - customers and employees. This is clear after the objectives to be achieved are very clear. For this, we use different methodologies from diagnostics, gamification and training in the classroom and at the workplace.
What results have they already achieved?
In the Workshops, managers have shared their enthusiasm for the results they have achieved as a result of leadership that is more attentive to the individuality of each person and their motivation. Those who serve customers also show their satisfaction at having started to give a new meaning to their work. Most employees naturally and effortlessly improved their level of service or leadership and therefore operating results. The results have been so positive that we have been asked to continue our work for another 2 years.
(Translated to English)